chronic illness · gastroparesis · tough night

Gastroparesis Flare Up

Hi Beautiful People!

Today my Gastroparesis has absolutely gotten the better of me. I feel horribly sick and (SLIGHTLY GRAPHIC SORRY) have not been able to get off the toilet for a few hours now. Gastroparesis is “the literal paralysis of the stomach, characterized by as a condition that inhibits the stomach from emptying properly. Gastroparesis affects stomach contractions, which move food from the stomach into the large intestine where digested food is emptied. If stomach contractions don’t work to empty the stomach properly, gastro-discomfort can occur (i.e., nausea, bloating, vomiting)”. To put that in simpler terms, my stomach does not contract the way it is supposed to and my stomach doesn’t empty properly. Sometimes it does not empty at all and I end up vomiting or other times having diarrhea, sometimes both. I constantly feel stomach pain and nausea. I take Zofran and Hyoscyamine for those symptoms and they do help but lately haven’t been as effective. So today my stomach is just having a major battle with me and will not hold down anything. I’m at about a level 9 of 10 on the pain scale and the nausea is extreme. I know from the constant vomiting and bowel movements that I am getting dehydrated and water, believe it or not, actually makes my symptoms worse. I know that that’s really weird but that’s how my body is. When I don’t feel well it rejects water, it literally comes right back up. The only thing that I can tolerate is Pedialyte or Gatorade. I actually did not have either of those when I started writing this post but my wonderful friend just brought me some from work because she is awesome. Hopefully I will be able to keep this down and be okay by morning. I’m trying to keep myself distracted from the pain by watching YouTube videos and texting friends. I guess we’ll see how I’m doing in the morning.

4 thoughts on “Gastroparesis Flare Up

  1. I have Gastroparesis, too. So, I do understand everything you just said here……’s awful…….I’ll be sharing my journey with this terrible disease on my blog, through several shorter posts, as it’s a long story. I sure hope you can get some relief and start to feel somewhat “better.” Thanks for sharing. It may be graphic, but it’s real, and since August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month, we’re gonna tell it like it is, right??? Hang in there. You’re a Warrior!! XX


  2. I’m struggling, but I’ll be ok. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I’m not too tech savvy, so it’s in no real order. I have several chronic illnesses that I write about and how they affect me and anything else I feel like writing about. I look forward to reading your blog, as well. Take care. XX


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